Forums DADman DADman Control Software DADman Control|Pack Bugs on Mac Sonoma

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  • #2716
    Marcus MarshallMarcus Marshall

      Curious if anyone has had issues with the routing presets(aka Control|Pack) in the latest version on DADman When creating new presets the newest preset is placed at the top of the list and not at the bottom. There is also no way to reorder them or sort the presets after they are created. This forces you to really plan out your presets before hand.

      Here is a link to a screen grab I captured. Hopefully it post correctly.

      Also, when deleting newly created presets it sometimes renames my existing preset(s) to the default name. I have emailed support but wanted to post here to see if anyone else has similar issues.

      Running Mac OS 14.7.1 (Sonoma) on A Mac Studio M2 Max 92GB Ram
      AX64 running Thunderbolt to the computer.

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