Forums DAD | Digital Audio Denmark AX64 AD/DA Protools no signal

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  • #2688
    JinXiao ZhangJinXiao Zhang

      Hello I used Apollo X8p as a microphone amplifier,Dad man App have signal but Protools input No signal。 Please tell me how to solve it,Thank you

      JinXiao ZhangJinXiao Zhang

        I solved it

        Jon SchumannJon Schumann

          Hi JinXiao,

          Sorry about the late reply!

          Glad that you solved it – May I ask what the issue was ?
          Was it routing the inputs to the Pro Tools interface connection ?

          Please let me know if I can help and feel free to email us at for faster replies.


          JinXiao ZhangJinXiao Zhang

            Hi Jon,

            I got an error routing out of the DAD Man App, and as a result, there was no signal coming in protools.

            On the App, it should be Input AD to output Thunderbolt and then from Input Thunderbolt to DA

            My English is not very good, so I used a translation software I hope you can understand

            Thank you for your reply


            Jon SchumannJon Schumann

              Hi JinXiao,

              Yes, that is the correct way to connect our Inputs and outputs! 🙂



              Haroun SerangHaroun Serang


                I wanted to add to this issue as I stumbled on a related setup issue. Not only does the input matrix need to assign the input to the Thunderbolt (or Madi, Dante, etc) channel, but the sample rate must be correctly set inside DADman. Changing the sample rate in DADDriverSetup does not change the setting in DADMan. I hope this saves someone some time.

                JinXiao ZhangJinXiao Zhang

                  Thanks for the additional questions and how to solve them

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