Forums DADman DADman Control Software Suggestion for Fold down GUI

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  • #1952
    Nenad SimsicNenad Simsic

      Hi everyone,


      I would like to suggest some changes to fold down section in Dadman software;

      Is it possible to make it VERTICAL and dynamic instead of Horizontal?

      I have 24 fold downs used in the profile (even more waiting to get there) and it takes so much horizontal space in the middle of the GUI while above it, there is just blank grey rectangle that become even wider if  adding more fold downs. Waste of very valuable screen space.


      thank you, Nenad Simsic

      DADman, Mac Studio Ultra, Mac OS 12.4.



      If I have 2 AX32s for a large orchestra session, then second unit is somewhere far right out of sight; to change gain, 48v etc one have to scroll and search for your necessary channel.

      If it could be done vertical – each unit inputs below each other, or drag and drop possibility, if one prefers long horizontal row.

      All the best,


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